
Technotes for future me


Command Syntax

/abc/p      # Print all with "abc"
/abc/!p     # Print all without "abc"
/abc/d      # Delete all with "abc"
/abc/!d     # Delete all without "abc"

/start/,/end/!d     # Select a block

s/abc\(...\)ghi/\1/ # Back references
            # (see below for correct Shell quoting)

/abc/{s/def/ghi)}   # Conditional replace

Appending lines

aHallo                   # Append 'Hallo' after each line
5 aHallo                 # Append 'Hallo' after line #5
$ aHallo                 # Append 'Hallo' to end of file

Prepending lines

sed -i '1s;^;new line 1\nanother new line 2\n;' <file>

Remove Double Quote from a String

Remove quotes from start and end of the string

sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$var1"

Remove Double Quote and Store Output in variable

var2=`sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$var1"`    #Save in another variable
var1=`sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$var1"`    #Save in same variable

Remove Double Quote and Store Output in file

sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$var1" > out_var.txt

Advanced use of sed

In-place Editing

To edit file use the -i option this safely changes the file contents without any output redirection needed.

sed -i 's/abc/ABC/' myfile.txt
sed -i '/deleteme/d' *

Drop grep

Often grep and sed are used together. In all those cases grep can be dropped. For example

grep "pattern" file | sed "s/abc/def/"

can be written as

sed -n "/pattern/p; s/abc/def/"

Grouping with sed

Always use single quotes!

sed 's/^.*\(pattern\).*/\1/'

Single Quoting Single Quotes

If you want to do extraction and need a pattern based on single quotes use \x27 instead of trying to insert a single quote. For example:

sed 's/.*var=\x27\([^\x27]*\)\x27.*/\1/'

to extract “some string” from “var=‘some string’”. Or if you don’t know about the quoting, but know there are quotes

sed 's/.*var=.\([^"\x27]*\)..*/\1/'

Conditional Replace with sed

sed '/conditional pattern/{s/pattern/replacement/g}'

Prefix files with a boilerplate using sed

sed -i '1s/^/# DO NOT TOUCH THIS FILE!\n\n/' *

Removing Newlines with sed

The only way to remove new line is this:

sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' file

Check out this explanation if you want to know why.

Selecting Blocks

sed '/first line/,/last line/!d' file
Last updated on 5 Nov 2021
Published on 25 Dec 2019
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