
Technotes for future me


List installed releases

helm list

helm list -n kyverno

helm list -A

Add repo

helm repo add kyverno

Update repo

helm repo update

List all charts in repo

helm search repo harbor -l

Show the long listing, with each version of each chart on its own line, for repositories you have added

helm search repo <reponame>/<chartname> --versions
helm search repo aqua/harbor-scanner-trivy --versions

Show values

helm show values

helm show values harbor/harbor --version v1.6.1

helm show values sysdig/sysdig-deploy

Install package

Helm 3

helm install <name> <chart> [--namespace <ns>]  # Per-default you need to provide a release name
helm install -g <chart>     [--namespace <ns>]  # Helm 2 like generated release name

helm install kyverno kyverno/kyverno -n kyverno --create-namespace \
--set admissionController.replicas=3 \
--set backgroundController.replicas=2 \
--set cleanupController.replicas=2 \
--set reportsController.replicas=2

Upgrade package


helm upgrade kyverno kyverno/kyverno -n kyverno -f kyverno_val.yaml


helm repo update && \
    helm get values kyverno --output yaml --namespace=kyverno > kyverno_val.yaml && \
    helm upgrade kyverno kyverno/kyverno --set <stuff> --set <other_stuff> --namespace=kyverno -f kyverno_val.yaml


helm uninstall newrelic-bundle -n newrelic


For instructions check here

helm init
helm repo update

To get access to unstable charts

helm repo add incubator

For Openshift there is an RBAC compatible installation proceduce.

Setup Troubleshooting

helm init --client-only                      # (Helm 2.x only) do not initialize tiller
helm init --upgrade --service-account tiller # (Helm 2.x only) ensure to sync client/server versions
helm version       # Client/server versions should be equal

Working with plugins

helm plugin list
helm plugin install <plugin URL>

Creating chart packages

helm create mychart                                    # Create boilerplate

helm install mychart-0.1.0.tgz --dry-run --debug       # Test installing


Last updated on 20 Oct 2023
Published on 25 Dec 2019
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